A model-based approach to recovering the structure of a plant from images

An international collaborative project involving research groups from the Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT) led by Anton van den Hengel, BayerCrop Science in Belgium, The Plant Accelerator at the University of Adelaide and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia is leading to the development of novel image analysis approaches that allow extracting structural information of crop plants from 2D images. Funded through an ARC Linkage Grant, the project is aimed at measuring crop development and structure and how they are impacted by stress conditions to help select promising varieties from large scale screens.

The method for recovering the structure of a plant directly from a small set of widely-spaced images is described in this publication.

2015 blog CompVision

30 March 2015

2015 blog compvision 1

2015 blog compvision 1