APPN invests in developing, maintaining and enhancing the technologies, expertise and data resources that accelerate crop research. We provide access to this world-leading plant phenomics infrastructure across all of mainland Australia’s major cropping environments.
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About APPN
APPN invests in developing, maintaining and enhancing the technologies, expertise and data resources that accelerate crop research. We provide access to this world-leading plant phenomics infrastructure across all of mainland Australia’s major cropping environments.

What does APPN do?
APPN provides a national network of plant phenotyping solutions and sensors, backed by specialist technical and data expertise, to enable researchers to measure the performance of plants efficiently, objectively and non-destructively over time.

The APPN is a network of National Research Infrastructure for plant phenomics enabled by the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

Strategic Plan
Our vision to transform Australian plant science is guided by our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028.