About APPN

APPN invests in developing, maintaining and enhancing the technologies, expertise and data resources that accelerate crop research. We provide access to this world-leading plant phenomics infrastructure across all of mainland Australia’s major cropping environments.

Enabling the development of improved crops in a changing climate, APPN is funded by the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) along with state governments, industry partners and our host organisations who provide open access to plant phenomics technologies and expertise that drive innovation in plant science.   

Our plant phenotyping facilities offer a range of plant phenotyping solutions and sensors (RGB, LiDAR, hyperspectral, fluorescent, X-ray) to measure the performance of plants non-destructively and over time. 

Find the right team and technology to support your research or industry challenge: APPN Infrastructure Map and Node Contacts


Australian plant science transformed using innovative phenotyping, automation and data science solving our nation’s biggest agricultural challenges. 



APPN infrastructure helps accelerate plant research outcomes that resolve agricultural challenges by: 

  • Providing researchers and industry with open access to leading plant phenotyping infrastructure and multidisciplinary expertise to deliver practical insights into crop performance. 
  • Providing innovative mobile phenotyping services to remote field sites across Australia. 
  • Innovating, adapting, evaluating and offering frontier technologies to enable research excellence under Australian conditions. 
  • Developing new and improved plant phenotyping methodologies via a coordinated national network that encourages knowledge transfer, resource sharing and collaboration. 
  • Developing common approaches to the capture, analysis and storage of data, underpinned by FAIR data principles, to produce new national data sets and insights. 
  • Upskilling researchers, students, stakeholders and APPN staff to maintain Australia’s leadership position in the world of plant phenomics. 

For more information refer to the APPN Strategic Plan 2023-28 and the APPN Fact Sheet