The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility is committed to providing easy access to state-of-the-art automated phenotyping capabilities in controlled environments and in the field. We have established a travel fund ($50,000 in total) to support interstate researchers wishing to use APPF infrastructure.

Whilst the APPF is able to undertake phenomics projects on your behalf (full service delivery model), we are committed to working with you at our facility to provide support and advice on experimental design, and on image and data analysis in plant phenomics (‘research-hotel’ model).

APPF travel grants provide funds towards travel and accommodation supporting Australian researchers’ access to APPF capabilities in Adelaide or Canberra. Travel grants may also be used to visit an APPF node to undertake training in the use of field phenotyping equipment for off-site use.

There are two rounds for travel grant applications in 2015/16:

  • Round 1: Applications close 31 May
  • Round 2: Applications close 30 November