Data generation, analysis and management is at the heart of digital plant phenomics. APPN has a dedicated team of data professionals and adheres to FAIR data principles for all projects.
APPN Central Data Team
Complemented by the skills and expertise of data and informatics staff at all APPN Nodes and the capabilities of partner NCRIS projects, the APPN Central Data Team is leading works to ensure our data is FAIR, can be translated into useful knowledge and contributes to building a national data collection.
In this section
Transforming data to knowledge
How plant phenomics data can help making future predictions on crop performance.
Making data truly FAIR requires planning at all stages, from study design to packaging and publishing the results for future reuse.
Plant Phenotyping Data Collection
APPN is well positioned to deliver a dedicated national plant phenotyping data portal that presents the structure of each study and tools for visualising the data.