Plant Phenotyping Data Collection
APPN is well positioned to deliver a dedicated national plant phenotyping data portal that presents the structure of each study and tools for visualising the data.
Delivering national plant phenotyping data collection
APPN is building the necessary data collection steps into all its processes so that it can consistently deliver FAIR, MIAPPE datasets following modern best-practices recommendations for data engineering. Each component corresponding to a data class in MIAPPE will be assigned a unique identifier and described using consistent vocabularies that can be linked to relevant plant-science ontologies to enhance the discoverability and interoperability of the data. Each APPN node will use MIAPPE concepts to describe its growth facilities, phenotyping equipment and all the plants under study. Results will be packaged using the RO-Crate model that is increasingly widely adopted by different research communities internationally as a flexible way to organise data to maximise machine readability. Each dataset will be published to a national research data repository or one maintained by the APPN node's host institution. APPN will collaborate with the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) to ensure that these datasets are discoverable through Research Data Australia (RDA) and other national data catalogues. Since all these datasets will be consistently packaged using RO-Crate and MIAPPE, APPN will then be well positioned to deliver a dedicated national plant phenotyping data portal that presents the structure of each study and tools for visualising the data.