Transforming data to knowledge

How plant phenomics data can help making future predictions on crop performance.

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Plant phenotyping: Transforming data into insightful knowledge 

Crop researchers investigate the interactions between the genetic makeup of plant varieties and the environment in which they are grown. This environment includes the characteristics of local soils, weather conditions through the day, presence and abundance of insects and pathogens, and all the management actions carried out to support the crop with water, nutrients and pesticides. For the plants, the primary interest is in the suite of traits that contribute to the health of the crop and the quantity and quality of the resulting agricultural products. The aim is to understand which varieties are best suited to the growing conditions in each area and how to optimise management options to increase yield and address sustainability considerations. 

Plant phenotyping delivers the data that these researchers need as precise measurements of the traits of interest and of the relevant environmental conditions in forms that can support robust statistical analysis. When the volume of high-quality data from such studies is sufficient, it becomes possible to use machine-learning approaches to investigate patterns further and to use historical data to make future predictions.