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The biannual Australian Barley Technical Symposium (ABTS) allows delegates to see fresh, new overseas keynote speakers addressing new technologies and opportunities for the grains industry with an emphasis on focusing on grain quality to produce a premium product.  This year’s theme is ‘The science and the craft:  Barley-beer-whisky’.

Our symposia ensure that more of our young scientists and key farmers are exposed to new developments and the people actively involved in new technologies and innovation. As such these symposia serve as a showcase for the world leading research being undertaken in Australia and emphasises that the Australian barley industry’s excellent support base in producing a premium quality product.

In summary, the aims of the 18th Australian Barley Technical Symposium are to:

  • Bring Australian barley researchers, breeders, maltsters, marketers and farmers up to date with new science, technology, industry issues and a market outlook.
  • Provide a vehicle to invite prominent national and international speakers to impart their perspectives and knowledge to the delegates.
  • Provide a forum for young scientists and students to present their work at a national meeting.
  • Undertake a special themes surrounding issues that are of importance to the future development of the Australian barley industry profiting from quality.
  • Provide a “whole of industry” forum for the barley industry to discuss important issues.
  • The Symposium is administered by Australian Barley Technical Symposium Inc, whose members comprise the registered delegates from the previous meeting.
  • At this meeting the delegates appoint a committee to organise the next symposium.

These topics will update the Australian industry and researchers on the current research progress of their groups, provide opportunities for Australian researchers to participate in collaborations, and maintain and support the ABTS’s enviable international reputation for being the best meeting of its type in the world.

No registration required, come along and enjoy the event!

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