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The 11th running of the International Botanical Meeting will in 2019 be held in the new lecture/conference facilities at Oxford Brookes University with accommodation in the famous Queen’s College, Oxford.  As in recent meetings there will be 7 or 8 lead speakers and the rest of the programme will be chosen from offered talks.  To attract postgraduate students to participate, a number of bursaries will be available alongside reduced registration fees. Topics will as ever be a mix of state-of-the art microscopy combined with the latest developments in plant cell biology, including organelle dynamics, nuclear structure and function, and autophagy. Planned associated activities will include a Zeiss/RMC sponsored workshop on 3-D imaging technologies, a trip round the museum of the History of Science (the world’s first public museum and home to the RMS microscope collection) and a tour of the famous Oxford Botanical Gardens. We welcome you all to the famous University City of Oxford.

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