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This is the first of a series of engagement days around Australia to connect academics and industry professionals working in EcoSciences. The Pathways Series provide an opportunity to learn more about existing digital infrastructure and training and skills development programs for environmental science. It will also showcase research and government exemplar users of digital technologies, and ignite discussions around common issues and practices.

This forum is an opportunity for the EcoScience community to find out about contemporary data and technology-intensive research and management practices as well as have their say on better integration of digital technologies in courses and training programs, and how the community can collaborate to advance research practices into management decisions.

10:00am Introduction and Welcome

10:05am Research Keynote

10:25am EcoEd: innovation in training and engagement leveraging Australia’s EcoScience infrastructures

  • Chantal Huijbers, Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory

10:35am Discussion panel: understand emerging needs in skills and training

12:00pm Networking lunch

12:45pm Government Keynote

1:05pm Australia’s EcoScience Digital Infrastructure

  • Hamish Holewa, Atlas of Living Australia

1:20pm Discussion panel: how can digital tools advance research innovations into operations

2:45pm: Close

This forum is for academics (course convenors, lecturers, deans, Heads of Schools), researchers, government practitioners, and anyone working in EcoScience related fields.

Please register to attend here.

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