Frontiers in Plant Phenomics Workshop

Phenomics WorkshopStaff from The Plant Accelerator participated in the Frontiers in Plant Phenomics Workshop at North Carolina State University on 1-3 June 2015.

The workshop was organised by the University of Adelaide's School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and brought together plant scientists, crop breeders, and technologists from Adelaide, Nottingham, Shanghai and North Carolina.

The meeting was partly sponsored by Academic Consortium for the 21st Century (AC21). It included tours of the NC Biotechnology Center, Monsanto, and Bayer Crop Science, in addition to presentations, working sessions and discussions held at North Carolina State University.

The workshop aimed to leverage complementary strengths of each participating institution and to establish a virtual research centre in plant phenomics that links biology and technology.   The ultimate aim is to use advanced technologies and analytical methods to enable better understanding of how genes influence the quality and quantity of crop yields.

18 June 2015

2015 blog phenomics workshop 1

2015 blog phenomics workshop 1