Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development, WA
The APPN Node at DPIRD provides cutting-edge field phenotyping and sensing infrastructure in Northam and Merredin, Western Australia
Accessible to academic researchers and commercial organisations, the APPN Node at the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD) provides phenotyping and sensing infrastructure in Merredin and Northam, and crop phenotyping services to regional areas of WA via our mobile phenotyping service.
Northam -
Novel airborne and ground-based mobile phenotyping solutions operate out of Northam, servicing regional areas of WA.
Merredin -
Merredin field site has the phenotyping infrastructure to enhance research innovation, addressing challenges to Australian agriculture with a particular focus on control of crop water supply facilitating research in dryland agriculture, farming systems and crop improvement.
We look forward to discussing how our multidisciplinary team and suite of phenotyping infrastructure can help accelerate your research outputs.
Infrastructure & Services
Field & Mobile Phenotyping
Airborne Phenotyping (UAVs) - Northam | Book | |
Ground-based Phenotyping (Amiga) - Northam *coming soon* | Book | |
Field Research Facilities (Merredin) | Book |
Key Contacts
Dr Hammad Khan
Node Director, DPIRD
Australia Plant Phenomics Network
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
NORTHAM: 75 York Road, Northam WA 6401 Australia