ANU TechLauncher students for PODD
Our PODD team in the Cropatron at the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility’s node at the CSIRO, Canberra

Five students from Australian National University‘s (ANU) TechLauncher program are receiving valuable hands-on industry experience at the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility’s (APPF) Canberra node at the CSIRO for the next two semesters.

Co-tutored by Warren Creemers (Software Team Leader), Vidya Bala (Software Engineer – data) and Robert Fulton (Software Engineer – web development), the team will work to develop a front-end and data annotation tool for the Phenomics Ontology Driven Data and metadata repository, PODD.

The aim of PODD is to provide a search engine and statistical analysis for phenomics experiments, enabling scientists to quickly filter experiments and measurements against large, historical collections from the APPF as well as datasets from the phenomics community. Users will be able to quickly find the specific metadata they are looking for across several experiments and trials, the links to data locations and documentation, and retrieve the datasets they require for validation or testing new analysis techniques from one place without having to repeat experiments or search for missing metadata. PODD also allows users to share their experiments with the phenomics community, organise metadata and experiments in a standardised manner (matching international phenomics standards), and retrieve all the required metadata for publications in a standardised format.

This tool is part of a national initiative to increase the discoverability of data generated within research institutions across Australia to facilitate data re-use.

We wish a warm welcome to ANU TechLauncher students Xiongpan Zhang and Liwei He (preparing a Bachelor of Information Technology, ANU), Haitian Zhang and Yanlin Liu (preparing a Master of Computing, ANU) and Zihao Wang (preparing a Bachelor of Advanced Computing, ANU).

For more information contact Warren Creemers.