Postgraduate Student Internship Award grants round open

  • The next round of Postgraduate Internship Awards at the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) is now open
  • Applications close – 31 December 2021 
This is an exciting opportunity not to be missed. If you are an enthusiastic, highly motivated postgraduate student who wants to be exposed to world-class, cutting-edge research technology and knowledge in AgTech and Food Innovation areas, get your application in before the end of November.

This round of Internships is being offered at our Canberra Nodes (CSIRO and ANU) and at the University of Adelaide Node - The Plant Accelerator for postgraduate students with a real interest in plant phenomics research and technology. Current postgraduate students in the following areas are encouraged to apply:

  • Agriculture
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Science
  • Genetics
  • Mathematics
  • Plant physiology
  • Science
  • Software engineering
  • Statistics
Interstate or overseas? We can help

Our postgraduate internship awards, in general, comprise:

  • $1,500 maximum towards accommodation, if required
  • $500 maximum towards travel/airfare, if required
Please note COVID 19 restrictions must be observed, including for travel. Please contact APPF staff to discuss arrangements prior to submitting your application.


  • $10,000 maximum toward infrastructure use
Multi-disciplinary opportunities

We have identified several priority research areas, each reflecting a global challenge and the role that advances in plant biology can play in providing a solution:

  • Tolerance to abiotic stress
  • Improving resource use efficiency in plants
  • Statistics and biometry
  • Application of mechatronic engineering to plant phenotyping
  • Application of image analysis techniques to understanding plant form and function
Students proposing other topics will also be considered.

APPF postgraduate internship awards involve access to our phenotyping capabilities to undertake collaborative projects and the experience of working as an intern with the APPF team where you'll learn about experimental design, image analysis and data analysis in plant phenomics.

Selection is based on merit. Applications are assessed based on academic record, research experience and appropriateness of the proposed research topic. Interviews may be conducted.

Postgraduate students are encouraged to contact APPF staff before submitting their application, to discuss possible projects.

For more information and to apply click here.

28 September 2021

22 A0279 scaled

22 A0279 scaled