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The Australian eResearch Skilled Workforce Summit aims to bring together key stakeholders to collaboratively develop a vision for a digitally skilled research workforce. It is being coordinated by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT) and Universities Australia (UA).

The Summit will focus on the skills needed by researchers, HDR students, and digitally-focussed research support professionals, including, but not limited to, Data Stewards, Data Curators, Data Librarians and Research Software Engineers. This includes consideration of appropriate curriculums and training opportunities, community development, possible career paths, and enabling factors such as employment and funding policy. Coordination of the development of undergraduate digital skills is not currently in scope.

Who should attend?

The summit is ideal for people who:

  • have an interest in furthering research data management, software design and utilisation, HPC, cloud and related digital infrastructure training programs at a local and national level
  • make decisions about research data, software and infrastructure training program offerings at their organisation, institution, or department
  • are responsible for policy decisions around digitally skilled research support professionals including technology, education, employment and/or funding policy
  • develop communities to enable knowledge transfer around digital skills for researchers
  • provide training programs in research data, software and infrastructure.

The program
(detailed program will be released closer to the event)

Monday 29 July:

Plenary presentations forming a strategic overview, exploring the need for collaborative and coordinated action, including a keynote speaker (TBA).

Tuesday 30 July:

Day two will begin with a summary of the strategic overview discussed on day one. It will then proceed with simultaneous streams of submitted and invited papers that focus on identifying and prioritising challenges in advancing a highly digitally skilled eResearch workforce.

A call for participation is now open, please find details of how to submit proposals for lightning talks, papers and longer sessions. Submissions close 25 June.

The two day Summit will end with a summary and identification of the next steps.

Remote participation is possible, with plenary and keynote sessions from day one being broadcast. Discussion and breakout sessions will not be broadcast. Please see details at registration.

The two day Summit will end with a summary and identification of the next steps.

Registration is free via Eventbrite. Attendees are required to fund their own attendance at the Summit. Remote participation available.


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