The outstanding efforts of the Plant Accelerator team were acknowledged at the Faculty of Sciences End of Year Celebrations at the University of Adelaide on 3 December 2015.

In recognition of their high quality service delivery, the team was awarded the Professional Staff – Team Award for Exceptional Performance.

The facility directors’ recommendations were echoed by facility users, including Dr Timothy March, University of Adelaide, who has been using the facility to undertake collaborative projects with the University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. “The Plant Accelerator Team has delivered a world-class service to our research projects over the past five years, providing an integrated service from quarantine importation of plants, high-throughput phenomics, data analysis and reporting. “

Further acknowledgement was received from Professor Harkamal Walia’s group at the University of Nebraska, “The staff at The Plant Accelerator (TPA) is an exceptional group of individuals. Our group at the University of Nebraska has been collaborating with the researchers at TPA in an effort to examine the genetic basis of dynamic salinity responses in rice. Throughout this collaboration, TPA staff have provided an extremely welcoming and engaging environment for a visiting graduate student from our lab. As with any new “omics” technology, the breadth and complexity of the data can be daunting. However, the staff at TPA provided substantial support regarding image analysis and the interpretation of image-derived metrics. These efforts have come to fruition with the publication of a manuscript in 2015.”

Congratulations and thank you to all!