Spying on trees

2017-08-07T13:54:55+09:3011 May 2016|

Dr Tim Brown from the APPF’s team at the Australian National University is helping researchers from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) to use surveillance camera networks and drone data [...]

APPF supports start-up company

2016-04-07T15:40:16+09:307 April 2016|

The team of The Plant Accelerator (APPF) has worked with the Coritsu Group to  further develop  image visualisation software that meets the needs of the plant phenomics community. Coritsu CEO [...]

Testing Drought Tolerance of Rice

2017-08-07T13:55:05+09:3023 March 2016|

Rice is the most important crop for global food security and improving its tolerance to abiotic stresses, such as drought, is becoming increasingly important with climate change. A collaborative project, [...]

Introducing Zegami

2017-12-07T12:03:43+10:304 November 2015|

Today, we are delighted to introduce our exciting new web application Zegami, which can be found at zegami.plantphenomics.org.au or by following the link on the APPF website. Zegami allows users [...]

APPF Travel Grants

2015-09-04T10:31:14+09:304 September 2015|

The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility is committed to providing easy access to state-of-the-art automated phenotyping capabilities in controlled environments and in the field. We have established a travel fund ($50,000 [...]

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