Course: Statistical analysis for new phenotyping techniques | Wageningen Uni, Netherlands

New phenotyping techniques are revolutionising the field of plant sciences in general and plant breeding in particular. How can phenotyping data from platforms and high throughput devices be analysed and incorporated into statistical genetic models in plant breeding? This course will teach how to get the most out of new types of phenotypic data and integrate these data into genetic analyses. The course will deal with pre-processing of new phenotypic data (image pre-processing, spatial and longitudinal modelling) and show the integration of new phenotypic traits into QTL and genomic prediction models. You will also learn how to relate field and platform data. Examples and exercises will use real data from phenotyping platforms and field experiments.


Monday 25 June - Wednesday 27 June, 2018 (3 days)


The statistical analysis techniques will be presented in lectures by experts from Wageningen University & Research and University of Queensland. The lectures will be complemented by hands-on computer training using R.

The course will be structured as follows:

Monday Morning: Introduction phenotyping techniques Afternoon: Single platform experiments

Tuesday Morning: Longitudinal and multi-trait data Afternoon: Multi-platform and multi-environment data

Wednesday Morning: Integrating phenotyping data into QTL and GWAS models Afternoon: Genomic prediction and phenotyping & further developments

Target Group

The course aims at students, researchers and breeders interested in incorporating new phenotyping data into genetic analyses. Some familiarity with models for QTL mapping, GWAS and genomic prediction is required.


After the course you should be able to use R to analyse field and platform experiments and integrate platform and phenotyping device data into genetic analyses of plant breeding experiments.

Course Leaders

Teachers are Scott Chapman from the University of Queensland and Fred van Eeuwijk, Marcos Malosetti, Martin Boer, Daniela Bustos-Korts, Emilie Millet (all WUR).

Practical Information

  • Venue:  Wageningen Academy, Wageningen University & Research.
  • The course fee is €350 for students (MSc, PhD), €550 for academics and €800 for industry.
  • Maximum number of participants: 30
  • Registration is possible until June 15th 2018.
  • The course fee covers tuition, course materials, coffee/tea and lunches
For more info click here.

1 May 2018

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