Demtec 1016 Smart Potting Machine for sale (Adelaide, SA)

The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility's Adelaide node is offering a second-hand Demtec 1016 Smart Potting Machine for sale.


  • Clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation version potting ring (16 station)
  • Variable speed potting ring with electronic variable speed
  • Central adjustment for pot diameter
  • Electronically controlled heavy duty soil elevator with shovels
  • Single-sided pneumatic pot dispenser suitable for pots up to 20cm
  • Linear pneumatic pot take-off arm and connection with exit conveyor
  • Electronic variable speed for pot exit belt - 4m long and 210mm wide with support legs
  • Pot range: 7cm - 23cm
  • Speed: 1,200 - 4,500 pots/hr
  • Soil hopper: 1,000 litre, 1m wide, with automatically adjusted feed paddles
  • Drilling unit: 2 speed motor, forward/reverse, sizes 16mm - 150mm
  • Remote hand controller with lead for turntable and elevator speed controls, start and emergency stop - unit can be positioned anywhere on the machine or conveyor belt by the person in charge
  • Power: 415V 3 phase
  • Wheels for mobility
  • Compressor required - air supply max. 200 litres/min
The potting machine is located at the APPF's Adelaide node based at the University of Adelaide's Waite Campus in Urrbrae, South Australia.

All enquiries should be made to Robin Hosking, Manager - Horticulture, APPF Adelaide. Ph:  (08) 8313 0809 Email:

13 September 2018