Saudi Arabian Students joins Plant Accelerator Team to Investigate Salinity Tolerance in Rice
Nadia Al-Tamimi is a PhD student from Saudi Arabia in Professor Mark Tester’s lab at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. She is currently a visitor at The Plant Accelerator and will work with The Plant Accelerator team for a minimum of 8 weeks.
Her project involves high throughput screening methods of two rice diversity panels (Indica and AUS) in controlled environment conditions to determine traits of osmotic tolerance, transpiration and transpiration use efficiency in response to salinity.
The Plant Accelerator team have been guiding and aiding Nadia in all stages of the project, from germination to image analysis. The daily imaging of the plants and weighing of the pots allow monitoring of plant growth and transpiration through time. Combining the two traits will enable measuring transpiration use efficiency and how it is affected by salinity.
“The team at The Plant Accelerator have given me the warmest welcome and have been extremely helpful. I truly thank them as I'm quite new to the field and I've been learning lots every day since I've arrived and they’ve made my time here in Australia a memorable one!” says Nadia.
24 February 2015