Mobile phenotyping units

APPN mobile phenotyping units (MPUs) are designed to bring high-throughput digital phenotyping technology and expertise to remote sites – making our infrastructure available for crop trials almost anywhere in Australia.

APPN mobile phenotyping units (MPU) are designed to bring high-throughput digital phenotyping technology and expertise to remote sites – making our infrastructure available for crop trials almost anywhere in Australia.

Each MPU provides airborne (drone) and ground-based phenotyping platforms. These can mount an array of imaging systems, including RGB cameras, infra-red and near infra-red (NIR) sensors, and 3D LiDAR scanners. 

APPN also provides technical expertise for operating MPU platforms, and can offer support for data managing, processing, analysing and storing the resulting datasets. 

Refer to the APPN Infrastructure Map and Technology Fact Sheets for further information or chat to our Nodes to explore how our infrastructure and expert support can enhance your research.